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EU Chooses Corporatism On E-Cigarettes

EU Chooses Corporatism On E-Cigarettes
A great article on The Commentator recently explained what’s happening in Europe in regard to vaping regulations and guess what? It's not good! The article briefly explains what is coming and it appears that heavy lobbying and secret meetings between the European Parliament and Big Tobacco may have created a non-competitive environment for the e-cigarette industry.

As many vapers know, the e-cigarette industry is a consumer lead revolution. It wasn't formulated by Big Tobacco or any other big multinational, it started small and has grown organically from individual vendors due to the popularity of the product. However, the strict regulatory framework proposed to be introduced in May '16 may make it nearly impossible for small vendors to survive (due to very high costs), handing the industry over to you know who! The big pharmaceutical and big tobacco companies.

The regulations will involve the abolishment of tank systems and bottled e-liquid, and e-cigarettes will return to the dark ages. Innovation will almost stop. It's in the interest of Big Tobacco to see e-cigarettes fail so why would we hand over the responsibility to them?

17 November 2015

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