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Best Alternatives To Disposable Vapes In 2024

Viggo Vape

Explore the best alternatives to disposable vapes of 2024 and discover the one that's right for you in this reusable vape buyer's guide from the vaping experts at Vaper Empire. You can shop our complete line of refillable and reusable vaping devices and kits at our online vape store.

What Is The Best Disposable Vape Alternative? The Viggo Series.

Vaper Empire Viggo Series Pod Vape SystemVaper Empire's Viggo Series pod system offers the convenience of replaceable vape pods and the cost-efficiency of a rechargeable battery. Enjoy the best of both worlds with the Viggo pod system.

Viggo's vape pods come filled with our very own premium e-juice. Available in a variety of different flavours, Viggo Pods contain 1.8ml of vape juice and boast a leak-free design with ergonomic contours that culminate to provide the best vaping experience. While the pods can be quickly replaced, the Viggo device battery is designed to be recharged and reused numerous times. In other words, the Viggo is not a disposable vape but rather a superior alternative that's both convenient and reusable.

With the Viggo, you can enjoy the casual nature and convenience of replaceable pods without the added cost of constantly replacing your entire device. Why settle for less when you can have the best of both worlds?

Which Reusable Vape Is The Best? It Depends.

Vaper Empire's V-Pack II E-Cigarette KitVaper Empire's V-Pack II Series aims to make it easy for new vapers to transition from smoking to vaping with its cig-a-like design, replaceable carts, and wide availability of flavours and strengths.

If you're a first-time vaper who is switching from smoking, you will almost certainly want a vape that's both good and easy to use. This is where our V-Pack II Series comes in. As a cig-a-like, the V-Pack looks and feels somewhat like a conventional cigarette. Even its portable charging case that can hold your spare batteries and spare cartridges looks somewhat like a conventional packet of cigarettes, at least as far as its size is concerned. The reason for this is simple: the V-Pack is designed to be a great starting point for new vapers who are making the switch from smoking to vaping. Like the Viggo, the V-Pack is not a disposable device, rather it is an excellent alternative that can be used and reused time and time again thanks to its rechargeable battery stems. It even comes with a portable charging case that can recharge your e-cig battery on the go while also storing a spare battery and extra carts.

To make it easier for new vapers to switch from smoking, the V-Pack II utilises a cig-a-like design in which the device itself is roughly the same dimensions as a conventional cigarette and the charging case is roughly the same dimensions as a conventional cigarette packet. To make things even easier for new vapers, there's no need to personally fill or refill the cartridges with vape juice; instead, all you need to do is quickly attach a new cart to continue vaping with fresh juice. This also means that there is never any need to separately replace the vape coils because they're already integrated into the cart and are subsequently swapped out automatically when you attach a fresh cart.

For new vapers, our V-Pack II is one of our most highly recommended devices. Its replaceable carts are available in a wide variety of flavours and strengths, making it easy for you to find the strengths and flavours that you need to truly enjoy your vape.

You can learn more about our V-Pack II Series cig-a-like here.

The Best Reusable Vape Brand: Vaper Empire

If you have ever found yourself wondering what is the best reusable vape brand? The answer is right in front of you; Vaper Empire is the best vape brand for reusable vaping products like vape pens and pod vapes. We offer a wide range of device types, including vape pens, pod systems, and cig-a-likes. We also offer a large variety of bespoke premium e-liquids, which we offer in bottles, pods, and carts. To support all of our devices, we stock replacement parts for all of our current vaping devices. This includes atomisers, batteries, tanks, and more. For everything that you need to vape, visit our online vape store today.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

How to recharge a reusable vape?

If you're wondering how to charge or recharge a reusable vape, it's usually as simple as plugging the vape into a power outlet using the charging cord that it came with. At least, that's how it is when you're using a Vaper Empire vape.

Here at Vaper Empire, we offer reusable vapes like our V-Pack II and Viggo, both of which are designed to be recharged numerous times. To recharge a Vaper Empire vape, simply plug the charging cord into the device battery and connect the other end to a USB/micro-USB port or electrical outlet. The device will let you know when it is fully charged.

What is a reusable vape?

A reusable vape is a vaping device that is designed to be reused by recharging the battery and adding more vape juice. In comparison to single-use vapes, known typically as disposable vapes, reusable vapes like the ones sold here at Vaper Empire reduce the amount of waste produced and help lower vaping costs for vapers.

Why does my vape taste burnt?

Oftentimes, the reason for a vape tasting burnt is a lack of e-juice saturating the wick inside. A lack of vape juice can cause a burnt taste. Similarly, aggressive vaping without allowing enough time between puffs for the wick to soak up e-juice can result in a burnt taste.

How to fix a burnt tasting vape?

Once the e-liquid inside of a vape runs dry, the vape may taste burnt. If the device design does not allow for the e-liquid to be replaced, the only solution is to discard the device and use a new one. This is why Vaper Empire recommends using a reusable device, as discarding an entire vape when the juice inside it runs out is wasteful. At Vaper Empire, all of our vapes are designed to be recharged and reused, allowing our customers to get the most out of their vaping experience.

If the vape tastes burnt but there is still plenty of e-liquid inside of it, the reason for the burned taste may be because the wick has not had enough time to soak up e-juice. If this is the case, simply wait a few minutes or more for the wick to become saturated before taking your next puff.

How long does a reusable vape last you?

Reusables vary greatly in the number of hits or puffs of vapour that they offer. Some vapers may find that their devices only last for a day or less before they need to be recharged while others may enjoy multiple days or weeks from a fully charged battery. How long a vape lasts depends on how often it's used, how much e-juice it contains, how long the battery is designed to last, and in what condition the battery is in. The easiest way to find out how long a particular vape will last you is to begin using it and simply keep track of how long it lasts you.

With Vaper Empire vapes, you can reuse the vape battery by simply recharging it. Replacement batteries can be purchased from our online store.

How to fix a reusable vape that won't hit?

A vape that won't hit may very well be defective. If your vape is defective, it may be possible to have the device replaced by the manufacturer or the retailer from which you purchased it. We recommend contacting the manufacturer and/or retailer of the device. If you purchased your vaping device from Vaper Empire, please contact our customer support team at your earliest convenience and let us know what the problem is so that we can work towards providing you with the best resolution possible.

If the device can be recharged, it may simply require a quick charge. Try charging the device with its included charging cable and test it again once it has been adequately charged.

For Viggo and V-Pack II users, check that the battery is charged. If the battery is adequately charged, you may want to check the connection between the battery and the pod or cart. If the area appears dirty, gently wipe it and try reconnecting the pod or cart. In rare instances, the pod or cart may be faulty. Try using a new pod or cart. If all else fails, contact our customer support team.

How to refill a vape?

Refilling a vape is easy when you're using our Viggo Series or V-Pack II, however, that's simply because all of our vaping devices are designed to be easily reused. Disposable vapes are generally designed not to allow users to refill or replace the e-liquid that's inside of them, which is just one of the reasons why we only offer reusable vaping systems here at Vaper Empire . This is just another reason to choose a refillable device like the ones we have at our online store instead of a disposable one. With the Viggo and V-Pack, refills are as easy as detaching the pod or cart and connecting a new one. That's all there is to it.

Take a look at our complete guide to refilling your vape tank to learn the best techniques for refilling your vape.

2 January 2024