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How To Beat "Vapers Tongue"

How To Beat "Vapers Tongue"

You may or may not have heard of vapers tongue before. This recent vaping phenomenon is the temporary dulling of the taste buds which can be a bit frustrating when you want to get the most out of your delicious e-liquids. If you’re experiencing your own little bout of vapers tongue here are some tried and proven methods to get your taste buds brimming with flavour!

Cure For Vapers Tongue

1. Change the flavour of the e-liquid you're vaping
Something as simple as changing out the e-liquid you're currently vaping can ease vapers tongue.

2. Scrape your tongue
Use a tongue scraper! You can buy them from supermarkets, chemists and online. Having a few of these handy may prove helpful!

3. Use a stronger, cleansing flavour
Try a stronger flavour like our Spearmint, Menthol, or Sweet Menthol! The strong menthol flavours can be very cleansing to the palate.

4. Hydrate
Drink your daily quota of water, this should help you to beat vapers tongue a lot faster.

5. Smell some fresh coffee beans
In perfume shops, there are often coffee beans to smell to cleanse the nostrils and similarly, when you have vapers tongue this can help to beat it and get your taste buds back in working order.

6. Suck on a lemon wedge
The shocking lemon wedge sourness may wake up your taste buds. Many vapers have said that this method works. If you don’t want to screw your face up this much try adding a good squeeze of lemon to your water for a more gradual solution.

7. Chew some mint leaves
Similar to lemon wedges, the strength of the flavour of mint leaves may help ease the effects of vapers tongue.

8. Mouthwash
This is one you are most likely to already have in your home. To beat vapers tongue, grab some mouthwash and use it as much as possible until the effects of vapers tongue wear off.

9. Allow time
Time is an effective healer because ‘Vapers Tongue’ is only a temporary thing. If you can make do without the lemon, mint, tongue scrapers and other quick fixes, rest assured your taste buds will bounce back soon enough.

What Is Vapers Tongue?

Vapers tongue, as it is commonly called in the world of vaping, is a condition in which the taste buds on the tongue no longer detect the flavour of e-liquid vapour to the same extent they normally would. When the senses are dulled in this fashion, it causes some vapers to find that their e-juice just doesn't taste quite as potent as it used to. The 'cures' above are intended to resolve this pesky condition, which is known formally as olfactory fatigue.

Vapers Tongue Cause & Prevention

The cause of vapers tongue is believed to be repetitive exposure to the same e-liquid flavour or flavours. The constant exposure can cause you to become somewhat numb to a particular flavour, making it seem like it doesn't taste as good or as strong as it used to. By switching up flavours regularly or creating an e-liquid rotation of three or more flavours, vapers can help avoid the dreaded vapers fatigue.

We hope you find our advice useful towards pesky Vapers Tongue. If you have had success with any of these methods or have some other ideas to get your taste buds firing, we’d love to hear them in the comments. Happy vaping!


7 September 2017

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