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How Does Propylene Glycol Measure Up To The 4000 Chemicals In Tobacco?

How Does Propylene Glycol Measure Up To The 4000 Chemicals In Tobacco?

As you may or may not know currently, Vaper Empire uses e-liquid that contains propylene glycol (PG). This is one of the primary ingredients absorbed into the lungs when vaping e-liquid that contains PG, whereas cigarette smokers inhale over 7,000 chemicals when inhaling the smoke from a conventional cigarette.

A recently published research article explores the toxicology profiles on various types of glycols with varying molecular structures including Mono/Di/Tri/Propyl. The results are very interesting, as according to the data not one of the glycols tested revealed any evidence of mutagenic, carcinogenic or developmental/reproductive toxicity potential to homo-sapiens (humans). Any pathology that was noted far exceeded the concentrations adopted for the research guidelines or alternatively were involved in mechanisms that are irrelevant to human physiology. In conclusion, the current safety evaluations of the USEPA, FDA, ATSDR, and NTP for these particular compounds adhere to the fundamental conclusion that propylene glycols present an extremely low risk to human health.

In the years that have passed since the aforementioned research article exploring the toxicology profiles of various glycols was published, Public Health England released the results of its government-mandated review of e-cigarette research. Based on their analysis, e-cigarettes are estimated to be at least 95% less harmful than conventional cigarettes to their users.

11 April 2013

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