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A Journalist's Perspective On Vaping

A Journalist's Perspective On Vaping

A Business Insider Australia article chronicling an e-cig user who has been vaping for 1 year and 4 months offers new insight into the world of vaping.

The column, written by Chris C Anderson, provides insight from the perspective of personal experience. It details Anderon's journey of moving away from cigarettes and embracing its electronic counterpart, the e-cigarette. It is a fair discussion on the benefits and teething issues that still mar e-cigs as a new technology.

In the article, Anderson waxes lyrical about some of the life-changing impacts that he feels vaping has added to his life. He talks about no longer feeling guilty about smoking around people and escaping the stigma. He also mentions the improvement to his health and the reduced staining to his teeth. However, it appears his most satisfying change is that he now receives more kisses from his wife and no longer smells out his house whilst smoking. If you're contemplating moving away from smoking take a read of this very frank article.

You may also be interested in reading an article we published here on our blog at Vaper Empire detailing the benefits of e-cigarettes.

15 April 2013

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