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The Doctor Speaks: Dr Konstantinos Farsilinos Gives Us The Science & Facts About Vaping

The Doctor Speaks: Dr Konstantinos Farsilinos Gives Us The Science & Facts About Vaping

Dr Konstantinos Farsilinos, MD, MPH is a cardiologist, a research fellow at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens-Greece, and a very popular man amongst the vaping community because he is dedicated to real, legitimate research on vaping and he continues to gather support for reputable trials that are providing us with the facts on vaping.

Thanks to the age of the internet, most of the funding for his research has been supplied by vapers and small vendors who want to know the truth - not research funded by big pharmaceutical companies that dictate the results depending on their agenda.

This man is probably the leading expert on vaping currently and he has some important views on the propaganda surrounding vaping.

He describes how research (including his own) favourable to the vaping cause has been manipulated by renowned scientists to debunk vaping and in turn, has been picked up by the media who have used it to discredit the industry.

He also makes it clear that the attack on vaping is unjustified as it has never claimed to be 100% healthy but a safer alternative to smoking - a fact that the media and governments have failed to understand.

22 May 2014

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